Green Eyes
Green sad beautiful, lovely eyes.
Green eyes, priceless like emerald, priceless like the truth.
Green deep eyes like the ocean and deep mirror of your soul.
Geeen eyes that saw only good things where others couldn't.
Green eyes, how much did I adore you?
Green eyes how much did you adore me?
Geen eyes, happy eyes , smiling ☺ and laughing 😂 about my silly jokes and unique situations.
Green eyes, you wanted to carry the world on your shoulders.
Green eyes, you were larger than life!
Green eyes, I'm so thankful that we met.
Green eyes, it did not exist not even one chance to find each other.
Green eyes, I long for you.
Green eyes, you were so truthful to yourself.
Green eyes, you tried to teach me how to be truthful to myself.
Green eyes, when I start to write about you, my hands 👐 move almost alone and become instruments of my mind.
The love and words for you flows like a gusher.
Green eyes, when I write about you, I remember Dr Zhivago writting his love poems to his beloved Lara.
Green eyes, you are my Lara and if your kindness grants me that honor, I'll be your Dr Zhivago.
Green eyes, you are my Scarlett O'Hara and I'm your Red Buttler.
And like in those classic movies, we would live as the perfect happy couple. 👫
I love you so much Green eyes.
Junio 17/2018
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